Welcome to ELVA-1
We design and produce mm-wave radio links, radars, components and scientific equipment 26 to 400 GHz

ELVA-1 introduced an advanced radiometric system for measuring the molten metal temperature in metallurgical production
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ELVA-1 at the Intelligent Rail Summit 2024: Leading the Conversation on Future-Ready Train-to-Ground Communication Solutions

ELVA-1 presented 10Gbps PPC-10G-Rail Train-Ground in Intelligent Rail Summit 2024,
12-13 November 2024, Tallinn

10 Gbps Train-Ground video report

September 2024 – ELVA-1 successfully showcased its latest technological innovations at the renowned InnoTrans 2024 exhibition in Berlin.

GITEX Global, Dubai, post-release video:

60 Gbps radio was installed on 11 km distance

In April 2020, 10 Gbps E-band radio was successfully tested on longest in the industry wireless path of 19,482 m (12.1 miles).
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ELVA-1 76 GHz FOD Radar – available to order

ELVA-1 FOD radar operates at 76 GHz (3.9 mm wavelength). It could detect debris with size of 3 cm or more at 1000 m distance.
See FOD radar promo video below.

15 km (9.3 mi) – this is industry record for distance range of PPC-10G-E 10Gbps E-band radio at Arctic region

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Concept video for 10GE wireless metro network

Few days is enough to build a fault-tolerant all-weather 10 GE wireless network based on PPC-10G radios to cover the city and key infrastructure facilities.

10 Gbps radio demo at July, 2017:

ELVA-1 Team Presentation

About ELVA-1

We design and produce  Millimeter wave components and systems, waveguide antennas and horns, MM wave radars.  Elva-1 specializes on applications in scientific test and measurement equipment, industrial and front-end radars, millimeter wave level sensors, E-band and Q-band radios, wireless communication equipment operating in the millimeter and sub-millimeter wave frequency bands.

The scope of ELVA-1 basically focused on developing and producing customs designed Millimeter Wave equipment. ELVA-1 also serves the global mm-wave market as Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Top names in mm-wave industry use our OEM components to bring quality and cost effective product solutions to their customers worldwide.

Besides, ELVA-1 suggests an exclusive service for scientific laboratories. The company leads key measurements and prove the principles  of devises designed by laboratories before applying documentation for grants. This procedure is the prime one to verify the production efficiency mostly in any kind of  mm-wave system and, what is important, assists to increase the probability of  receiving the grant.

The list of our customers includes major names at science and research all over the world: JET (UK) – biggest tokamak in the world, General Atomics (USA), National Institute of Standard and Technology (USA), Rohde & Schwarz, FOM Institute (The Netherlands), University of Kiel (Germany), Centre D’Etudes de Cadarache (France), Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics (Taiwan), South-West Institute of Physics (China), Siemens, CERN – Accelerator in Switzerland, Max Planck Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Australian National University, Cornell University (USA), Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK). An each year we add new top names to this impressive list.

We put all our 30+ years of Millimeter Wave experience into every project. Take a look at some of our instalaltions.


Feb 6, 2018
New 10GE radio with advanced L2 switch available since Jan. 2018
Jan 26, 2018
Marcatel has installed and  tested PPC-10G-E link according to RFC2544 at 3 km distance. 
Jan 25, 2018
RGMT Group, ELVA’s partner has installed PPC-10G-E 10Gbps E-band Radio Link at 3.44 km trace over suburb area.
Jan 15, 2018
Redlan Telecom Sl, Murcia-based telecom operator has installed PPC-10G 10Gbps E-band Radio Link
Dec 8, 2017
With its superior 10GE PPC-10G-E radio, ELVA is within 80 FWA worldwide 5G vendors.