Internet on trains: 5G or Trackside Network for Train-to-Ground Communication?
Read ELVA-1’s article about the three weaknesses of 5G connectivity for trains. First, low data download speeds, second, dependence on train speeds, and third, lack of 5G coverage outside of densely populated areas. Low data download speeds are a major weakness of 5G, which is critical for remote video surveillance on trains. That’s why train operators are building dedicated trackside networks in the mm-wave frequency range.
10 Gbps 60 GHz V2N Connectivity Test with MobiBridge Radios
This is ELVA’s video demonstration of high-volume data transmission technology from the vehicle to the operator’s network during a stopover (V2N, vehicle-to-network). The data is transmitted over a 10 gigabit 60 GHz radio channel using 10Gbps MobiBridge radio.
ELVA-1 Announced 76 GHz SDM360-76RM Road Monitoring Radar
ELVA-1 announced SDM360-76RM, a mm-wave road monitoring radar with all-round (360°) visibility and 200m range. The radar works as a obstacle sensor for detection of road incidents including stopped cars, debris (FOD), collisions, passers-by people, and animals in the highway lanes and hard shoulder.
“E-band 10 Gbps Urban-Scale Mesh Network” White Paper
ELVA-1 unveiled a white paper for a 10 Gbps E-band mesh network based on PPC-10G radio links and Linux-based 10GE edge routers.
E-band and Q-band PPC-10G Datasheet
ELVA-1’s team published new booklet with E-band Q-band 10 Gbps PPC-10G radio links datasheet.